When a crisis arises within your organization, what is the first instinct that many people have? For most people, their first instinct is to try and fix relations between the company and the public. Trying to fix public relations before first consulting with the PR staff can lead to more problems. For one thing, it is important to have a full understanding of what’s going on before addressing the public as you may not know the full extent of the crisis and how it is effecting both the organization and the public. Once everything is known about the crisis, the whole staff of the organization needs to get on the same page with how they are going to address it. This means they need a script for the public, both things that they should say, as well as topics to stay far away from, there is no room for personal opinions within an organizational crisis. Finally, when it is time to let the public know about the crisis, the most important part is to focus on what you are doing to rectify the situation. It is the journey that matters, not the destination.
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